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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that climate protection is the need of the hour! The world is changing for the better, with individuals, governments, and corporations realising the urgency of the situation and taking tangible steps to combat climate change.
Naturally, climate protection jobs have become a mainstream field of its own. These jobs are focused on assessment, mitigation, and adaptation efforts in the context of climate change and span science, technology, liberal arts, law, finance, and activism to name a few.
If you’re passionate about contributing to climate protection, finding the right jobs that fit your goals and existing skill set can be a bit tricky, given a high level of overlap in the field. That’s why we at GoGeoGo have compiled an overview of climate protection jobs, with all the complexities of the field, explained in an easy-to-follow manner. Let’s help you find the right climate protection job for you!
There is not just one opportunity to work in the environmental sector. Regardless of whether you are a mathematician, have an educational background or want to work at the interface between nature and society - there is at least one suitable job profile for every educational background and for many different skills.
Roughly speaking, the Divide the environmental and natural sectors into the following areas:
Mostly professionals in this area are equipped with a degree in computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, geology or mathematics. As environmental technicians or engineers, they can help companies or organizations manufacture, develop or improve products and reduce the negative effects of operational activities.
Often completely detached from the tension between politics and having to balance environmental protection and economic growth, working in an NGO or in an association offers the opportunity to dedicate oneself entirely and directly to protecting the environment and nature.
Whether in a corporate social responsibility department or as a link between the legal department, the PR team and product developers, there are many well-paid opportunities in corporations. In addition, they offer the opportunity to make a steep career and help make the economy more environmentally friendly.
In research and in research collaboration with companies, environmental scientists, natural scientists, as well as biologists, ecologists, geographers and geologists work on environmental research. They analyse the interacting influences of the human-environment system, make recommendations to politicians or advise companies on developing more sustainable products.
Nature protection and environmental protection have very similar meanings, but not the same. Basically, a distinction is made as follows:
Whether you are looking for nature protection job offers or an environmental protection job, It is therefore also a question of perspective.
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In principle, there are an infinite number of different professional profiles in environmental and nature protection. However, some specializations are more uniform than others. Here we show the most important ones:
An environmental technician uses technical processes to restore (renaturation) and protect ecosystems. With the help of knowledge and techniques from engineering, environmental technology can make production methods more gentle, reduce emissions and environmental pollution through intelligent use of energy and raw materials, and recover substances at the same time.
The duties of an environmental technician include, for example:
In most cases, the path to this sector is through a degree in environmental technology. To do this, you can study a dual degree in environmental engineering, for example, in order to gain direct practical experience. A major focus is usually on energy and environmental technology and students need a lot of knowledge in mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and statistics.
However, interested parties can also use a Start environmental technician training to qualify for environmental technician jobs - or just start studying environmental technology or get a taste of environmental protection in the industry through an internship.
As the name suggests, an environmental manager deals with the Management of aspects of a company or organization that have a direct or indirect impact on nature. The relationship and influence of activities, services, products, investments and even the characteristics of an office building are the focus here.
It is now inevitable to damage the environment through the consumption of products, the use of services or simply through transportation. The central task of an environmental manager is to reduce this impact and protect the environment - environmental management is therefore also part of the area of CSR, i.e. corporate and social responsibility.
To the Responsibilities of an environmental manager job include, for example:
Environmental managers or environmental management officers are also responsible for that your company or organization complies with the prevailing legal plans and properly implements new laws. At the same time, environmental managers can also be tasked with implementing their own internal goals. One of the prevailing standards is ISO 14001 environmental management.
In addition to a Environmental management training also for an environmental management bachelor or master as well as an environmental management distance learning course enroll. The chances are good because there are many environmental manager jobs on the market.
Not everyone is aware of the complex and fragile relationship between people and the environment. If incorrect behavior patterns were neither corrected nor made aware of in childhood, then it appears completely unproblematic, for example, to throw your own garbage on the street. Environmental education teaches people how to deal responsibly and, above all, consciously with the environment.
Similar and frequently used terms include environmental education, wilderness education, nature education or even eco-education. What they have in common is to critically question their own patterns of consumption and behavior and to build a lifestyle that values and promotes the relationships between people and the environment.
Relevant employers are not just the Environment Agency. There are also job offers in educational institutions, municipal offices, CSR departments in companies and non-governmental organizations.
Do something good for the environment while imparting education to the next generation? This is the job description of an environmental educator - regardless of whether it is about anchoring waste separation in kindergarten as a matter of course in the minds of the little ones, or giving young urban talent a certain awareness of nature and the environment.
The focus is on jobs in nature and environmental education the playful experience based on nature-oriented experiences of (small) children. In this way, they can understand practical relationships and build up basic knowledge about their environment. In contrast, environmental education focuses on holistically promoting a healthy relationship between society and nature.
Successful environmental education inspires children to to value sustainable living, to protect the environment and to build awareness of the role of humans in nature. For an environmental education job, there is the opportunity to complete an environmental education degree. Interested parties can also use a Environmental education education target, for example, to practice environmental education in kindergarten.
In principle, environmental planning is very closely linked to Urban and regional planning connected. This is about taking nature directly into account when planning human settlements and activities. An environmental planner is responsible for ensuring that the ecosystem is ideally not affected - or for including already destroyed ones in the planning so that, for example, an environmental technician can restore them again. It is also interesting that environmental planner jobs sometimes have a lot in common with landscape planner jobs.
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If you want
There are so many environment-related job offers in Germany that regional patterns can already be seen here. Of course, the big cities have more offers - though not exclusively.
The state capital of Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart has a high potential for environmental jobs simply because of its centrality and economic and political significance. Here is, for example, the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg, as well as the City Climate Department of the State Capital - with regular job advertisements and long-term career opportunities.
There are also relevant employers in Stuttgart such as Stuttgart airports, sustainability consultations such as Kate Stuttgart and of course, how could it be otherwise, the big car manufacturers. Mercedes-Benz and porsche alone, a very high number of qualified specialists in the environmental protection and sustainability sector are regularly looking for.
The Hanseatic City of Hamburg is a worthwhile destination for professionals looking for work in the environmental and nature protection sector. Suitable job advertisements are of course published by Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture Authority, but also the Hamburg Airport and of course the Port of Hamburg. However, Hamburg not only includes the port, but also a lively start-up scene, in which, over the years, there has also been a sustainable startup niche established.
The capital has its very own political angle on environmental jobs. Among other things, this is where the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, the energy company Vattenfall, as well as the German Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND). In Berlin, sustainability is of course also on the agenda of various political parties and their party-affiliated foundation, such as the Heinrich Böll Foundation. This is not the only reason why environmental protection in Berlin is always a relevant topic.
The state capital of Bavaria is attracting environmental experts with the many authorities, such as the Bavarian State Office for the Environment, the Bavarian State Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection, but also with NGOs such as BUND Naturschutz in Bavaria. But environmental specialists are also being sought in the private sector, for example at siemens, BMW or Infineon.
And there are also many environmental job offers throughout the Free State of Bavaria be it with public employers, NGOs or private companies of all sizes and types.
Have you received positive feedback from environmental protection job offers? Due to the high diversity of environmental jobs, salaries also vary massively in some cases. In principle, however, there are a few criteria that make it easy to classify salaries. Salaries are usually highest in the private sector, followed by the public sector and then by non-governmental organizations. Professional experience and educational qualification are also decisive, although this varies depending on the nature and environment of the job offer.
GoGeoGo has carefully compiled the figures and determined the salary ranges for some sub-sectors. This allows you to check the salary range for your environmental protection job offer.
An environmental technician can expect an average salary of just under 46,000€ per year. With increasing experience and a master's degree or a doctorate, up to just under 71,000€ per year can be achieved. Starting salaries can be expected to range from €30,000 to a maximum of €44,400.
Einstieg | Mit Erfahrung | Experten | |
Unteres Ende | 30.000,00 € | 41.600,00 € | 52.000,00 € |
Durchschnitt | 34.700,00 € | 47.200,00 € | 60.000,00 € |
Oberes Ende | 44.400,00 € | 55.000,00 € | 88.000,00 € |
An average salary as an environmental engineer is €51,000 per year. A starting salary ranges from 33,000€ to 52,100€, i.e. higher than in environmental technology. Experts or specialists with advanced educational qualifications and work experience can expect 55,600€ to 71,300€.
Einstieg | Mit Erfahrung | Experten | |
Unteres Ende | 33.000,00 € | 45.600,00 € | 52.000,00 € |
Durchschnitt | 42.600,00 € | 51.000,00 € | 60.000,00 € |
Oberes Ende | 52.100,00 € | 60.700,00 € | 72.200,00 € |
Environmental educators can expect an average salary of 43,400€ per year. Unlike the more technical professions, the upper limit for experts is already less than 60,000€. However, up to 44,000€ is possible when you get started.
Einstieg | Mit Erfahrung | Experten | |
Unteres Ende | 31.200,00 € | 38.000,00 € | 42.000,00 € |
Durchschnitt | 37.500,00 € | 43.000,00 € | 60.000,00 € |
Oberes Ende | 44.000,00 € | 48.000,00 € | 59.000,00 € |
For a CSR manager salary, you are usually employed in a large company, often also in a large corporation. As a result, salaries are higher, as this is the private sector. Experts can expect up to 76,600€ per year, with an average of 41,900€ for beginners. The average annual income is €51,200.
Einstieg | Mit Erfahrung | Experten | |
Unteres Ende | 35.500,00 € | 49.100,00 € | 52.000,00 € |
Durchschnitt | 41.900,00 € | 50.100,00 € | 61.200,00 € |
Oberes Ende | 45.900,00 € | 51.500,00 € | 59.000,00 € |
As an environmental planner, the average salary is around 41,000€ per year. With experience, you can earn up to just under 60,000€ per year. However, the starting point is a maximum of 36,000€ per year.
Einstieg | Mit Erfahrung | Experten | |
Unteres Ende | 21.400,00 € | 36.000,00 € | 44.900,00 € |
Durchschnitt | 28.500,00 € | 41.200,00 € | 51.200,00 € |
Oberes Ende | 36.000,00 € | 50.000,00 € | 76.600,00 € |
If you want
After decades of environmental destruction and ever worse destruction of the environment by humans, the fragility of our earth has not only become a globally known fact — but also a mega industrial trend. In addition to digitization, sustainability is probably the most influential trend in the working world. Many people who have worked in completely different industries are now looking for environmental jobs for career changers.
In fact, many companies and organizations are desperately looking for newcomers. specialists who have a background in business administration, science, international relations, finance, logistics, or other areas, can put their valuable experience into the service of environmental protection.
A lack of previous experience in environmental and nature protection is no harm here, because due to the interdisciplinary nature of the sector, many related professions are associated with it - which is why other previous experience can also be highly beneficial. So anyone who dreams of a career change in nature conservation jobs, for example, should give it a try, because there are plenty of jobs, including career changers for environmental protection and nature conservation jobs.
Jobs in environmental protection and jobs in nature conservation are very popular. The large area of environmental and nature protection is characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity and complexity. The ONE professional profile does not exist. Instead, those interested in an environmental protection job or a nature conservation job must create their own specialization, for example as an environmental technician or in environmental education.
Are you looking for an environmental job? On GoGeoGo, professionals can Environmental protection dream job find.
How do I become an environmentalist?
To become an environmentalist, In principle, you need an awareness of the environment and a passion to protect it. However, there are many opportunities to work in environmental protection. Depending on your studies, previous experience and focus of interest, a number of different sub-sectors are open to you
Can you earn money by protecting the environment?
Admittedly, salaries like those in the financial sector are rather unlikely here. But as an environmental engineer, for example, you can earn quite good salaries. And the opportunity to get paid for work that is good for the planet - this is priceless.
Is environmental protection part of CSR?
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. This includes not only people, but also the environment. Environmental protection is therefore part of CSR from an operational perspective.
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