Post free job ads
The GoGeoGo BASIC display

Post free job ads with GoGeoGo Basic - faster than you need to make a cup of coffee!

100% free job posting

10 days Display time

Completely non-binding

As often as you like

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Simply post a job & find specialists

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Why post job ads for free

No premium placements = money saved

When you post free job ads on portals, you don't have to spend money on premium placements to find the right talent.

Great addition to paid services

Free ads are a great and easy addition if you're already posting job ads on your website or with other providers.

Wider reach = more qualified applicants

More free ads (on an additional, free portal) mean greater reach, which is often not achieved by a single paid service, and therefore a larger talent pool.

We help you to set up an applicant database

A larger talent pool offers the opportunity to create a larger database of candidates that the company can reuse for various positions.

Start now

Post your first job posting on GoGeoGo now.

Is a free job ad worthwhile?

If you want

The short and simple answer is: Yes, absolutely!

As mentioned earlier, free job advertisements come with a variety of benefits, such as low costs, a wider reach, an expanded talent pool, a competent applicant database, and much more. Recruiters can take advantage of these benefits with little to no additional effort, regardless of their current recruitment strategy.

Free ads also give recruiters the chance to experiment with their recruitment strategy to find the job ads that result in the most interactions and conversions. These benefits make free job advertisements very worthwhile for recruiters in all industries.

If you want

As with any other service, the scope of these benefits varies depending on the job platform. Depending on the job board, there are some restrictions that can be associated with posting free job advertisements:

If you want

First, it may be that, depending on the job board's strategy, free job advertisements are placed worse than paid job advertisementsbecause they prioritize their paying customers.

If you want

Secondly, job boards that offer several price levels, including a free one, must all work associated with publishing is done by the customer himself, and customer support may be limited or inadequate.

If you want

And finally The process of publishing a free ad can sometimes be intentionally complicatedto get customers to opt for the platform's paid services.

If you want

That's where we come in! Whatever the issue is, you don't have to fret about it on our platform. GoGeoGo offers its customers 100% free job placement for 10 days, without any obligations. We also pride ourselves on our extremely user-friendly interface for ALL price points and super-fast and responsive customer service for all your needs.

Where can you post a job ad for free?

If you want

If you want to post job ads for free, There is a wide range of job boards on the market! These range from the Federal Employment Agency to eBay classified ads to niche-specific job boards aimed at students or university graduates. Depending on the sector, these job boards can also be niche-specific, such as GermanTechJobs for jobs in the technology sector, etc.

If you want

In addition to job boards, there are also Social media platforms a great tool to increase your reach for free. There are industry-specific and niche-specific groups, forums and pages on all social media platforms. Depending on the orientation of these groups, you can also post your job ads there and search for new talent, although you must comply with the group rules.

If you want

Third, you absolutely should set up a career page on your own website and update your job ads there regularly, if you haven't already done so. These are the first place that potential applicants look when they're looking for specific companies.

If you want

Fourthly: Since the majority of all job searches start with Google, Google for Jobs is also a good resource. Since you can't technically post job ads on Google, you need to make your website indexable, include structured data in your ads, and use sitemaps to notify Google of changes to your ads. In this way, you can get your job ads to appear in the Google for Jobs search engine for free!

If you want

If your job posting happens to be in the geo-niche, GoGeoGo is an excellent job board, which offers its customers 100% free job ads for 10 days, with no strings attached. These job ads are extremely easy to create and are backed by quick customer support.

Free job boards - GoGeoGo Ranking

Post job advertisements free of charge on general job boards

The best free job board

There is no one right answer to the question about the best free job board! Which free job board is best for you depends on the vacancy yourself and your specific requirements. While established job boards and job search engines offer a wider reach, bring you together niche platforms with specialists who are more suitable for the job. On the other hand, classified ad portals help you with your local search.

If you want

If you wantIf you work in the geospatial sector and are looking for highly qualified potential applicants for very specific jobs such as land surveying, remote sensing, etc. with almost no effort, then GoGeoGo's simple ads might just be right for you! It takes less than 6 minutes to upload the free job ads and GoGeoGo ensures that the recruitment process is smooth for you.

If you want

Free job ads in the geo-industries

How to post free job ads on GoGeoGo?

If you want

We've said it before and we'll say it again — posting a free job ad on GoGeoGo takes less time than a coffee break! We'll quickly show you how to do it:

step 1

Go to and click on “Advertise a position now” at the top right of the homepage. The “Post a job” page then opens.

step 1

Go to and click on “Advertise a position now” at the top right of the homepage. The “Post a job” page then opens.

step 2

Now you simply start entering relevant information about the job, such as title, category, description, etc. into Section 1.

step 2

Now you simply start entering relevant information about the job, such as title, category, description, etc. into Section 1.

step 3

In the second and third sections, you fill out information about your own company, including the name, a brief description, the link to the official website, and your contact details.

step 3

In the second and third sections, you fill out information about your own company, including the name, a brief description, the link to the official website, and your contact details.

step 4

Finally, you select the desired ad type from our Basic, Classic, Pro, and Ultimate options and select relevant add-ons.

step 4

Finally, you select the desired ad type from our Basic, Classic, Pro, and Ultimate options and select relevant add-ons.

step 5

The last step is to read the terms and conditions, check the box for “I'm not a robot” and click “Connect now” to publish your free listing on GoGeoGo. And you're done! 🎉

step 5

The last step is to read the terms and conditions, check the box for “I'm not a robot” and click “Connect now” to publish your free listing on GoGeoGo. And you're done! 🎉

Conclusion free job ad for employers

If you want

An HR manager has too many options in today's job market. One of them is the option to post free job advertisements. Free job postings are a great resource for companies as they save money, reach more qualified applicants, and help companies build independent candidate databases.

If you want

There are various ways to post free job ads, from job search engines to job boards to classified ads, and each has its own advantages, such as greater reach, design options and partners, but also disadvantages, such as limited interaction options, a complicated user interface, and paid advertising for funding.

If you want

In the geo sector, GoGeoGo stands out as an excellent niche platform that has a user-friendly interface and offers 100% free job ads in all geo areas. HR managers can try out the free platform today and benefit from the high visibility of their ads and fast customer support.

These companies already trust us

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
Bonn-Netz GmbH
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences
Reinickendorf District Office of Berlin
Stadt Köln
HERE Technologies
Munich district
German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH
Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR)
Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy
Universität Potsdam, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geografie
Stadwerke Bonn GmbH
Landesbetrieb HessenForst
mundialis GmbH & Co. KG
terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
virtualcitysystems GmbH