Munich district

Company size:
100-1.000+ Angestellte
Auf Karte zeigen

Munich is the hub for North-South and West-East trade. All economic centers of Europe can be easily reached from here. Even within Germany, the Munich region is considered a prime location.

Transport infrastructure, local companies, cultural offerings and, last but not least, the proximity to the Bavarian lakes and mountains make the Munich region what it is - in fact The ideal location for working and living.

With 348,871 inhabitants (as of 31.12.2018), the district of Munich is the most populous of the 71 districts in Bavaria. The 29 cities and municipalities of the Munich district surround the city of Munich from the north to the southwest of the city and offer ideal conditions for companies and employees, startups, traditional companies and global corporations alike.

The cities and municipalities of the Munich district are characterized by a unique mix of contrast and uniqueness, tradition and modernity, nature and technology, home and cosmopolitanism.

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Munich district
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