
water management
Company size:
100-1.000+ Angestellte
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The Niersverband is a public corporation. The association area comprises the Niers catchment area. The main tasks are wastewater disposal, rainwater treatment and retention, water maintenance, flood protection, restoration of water bodies and associated waste disposal.

At the Niersverband, everything is in a state of flux in the truest sense of the word. For more than 90 years, with over 480 dedicated employees, he has been ensuring that the Niers is a clean body of water.

At the beginning of the 20th century, things looked completely different. Due to the growing population, the Niers was a smelly muddy body of water — luckily that's history! Designed close to nature, the Niers offers habitats for many animal and plant species and has developed into a real local recreation area.

Association members include the cities, municipalities, districts and commercial companies in the association area. The association area comprises the Niers catchment area. As a modern service provider, the main tasks of the Niersverband are:

  • waste water disposal,
  • rainwater treatment and retention,
  • water maintenance,
  • regulating water runoff and ensuring flood runoff,
  • the renaturation of water bodies and
  • the waste disposal associated with the tasks.

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