City of Wuppertal

Company size:
100-1.000+ Angestellte
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Career with the City of Wuppertal

Are you excited to work in a modern, future-oriented service provider? Would you like to actively support our city administration with its many tasks?

We are looking for motivated, committed new colleagues of all nationalities who are also flexible, able to communicate and have a high level of commitment.

We offer you varied and varied activities, good career opportunities, interaction with people and a good working environment.

The city administration is aggressively pursuing the goal of professional equality between women and men.

Wuppertal's diversity should also be reflected in our city administration. We welcome every application regardless of the applicants' ethnic, cultural or social origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, ideology, religion, age or disability and their family responsibilities. Severely disabled applicants will be given special consideration if they are equally qualified.

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City of Wuppertal
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