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HessenForst is a state company in accordance with Section 26 of the State Budget Code and is therefore part of the Hessian state administration. Our mission is to preserve the forest in Hesse as a livelihood for generations, to manage and further develop it in accordance with economic and ecological principles.
For the state management of Hessenforst, we are looking for a qualified and committed person (f/m/d) in Department I “Personnel and Finances” as soon as possible as
< und >< mit dem Schwerpunkt im IT-Dienst >“ IT Operator (m/f/d) for IT Services >Operational GISMobile GIS<”
Your essential tasks
As an IT operator, you are responsible for the proper operation of the respective IT services. Specifically, you will take on the following activities:
- Ensuring the technical operability of the system environment, applications and their configurations in close coordination with the respective service manager
- Independent planning and execution of the assigned tasks to ensure ongoing operation
- Involvement in all further developments in the respective service
- Test of changes, but also new developments in operational and mobile GIS applications with regard to functionality, identify deviations from the target state and communicate with the respective service managers
- Implementation of configuration changes to the applications in consultation with the respective service managers
- Ensuring second-level support, user support and ticket processing.
- Collaboration in projects, support and implementation of changes.
- Coordination and communication with service providers, as well as organization and implementation of all activities in this context
- Maintenance of CIs or CI groups and required documentation in the area of responsibility
Changes and expansions of the main tasks are possible by setting them accordingly in the business distribution plan.
your profile
- Completed subject/university degree (BSc or cf.) in Geoinformatics/Geodesy or comparable qualification
- Completed vocational training in geomatics/specialist informatics/application development/ system integration/ technical system informatics with proven several years of professional experience in this area
- Extensive experience and knowledge with Esri software ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
- Experience in WebGIS/with mobile GIS applications
- Knowledge and experience in IT service management based on ITIL® processes is desirable
- Very good proven knowledge and experience in 2nd and 3rd level IT support
- Knowledge and experience in IT service management based on ITIL® processes (ITIL Foundation certification) are an advantage
They are characterized by
- Very strong sense of duty and responsibility and a high level of personal initiative
- Distinctive ability to work independently and independently
- High level of self-organization
- High level of social competence
- High flexibility, resilience, team and communication skills
- Distinctive service mentality when dealing with customers
We offer
- an interesting career with committed, innovative employees at a future-proof and family-friendly employer
- family-friendly and flexible working time arrangements and various forms of part-time employment
- In principle, the option of mobile working
- Equal opportunities for women and men
- comprehensive social benefits (e.g. capital benefits)
- secure and timely payment/remuneration payment
- 30 days of vacation per calendar year
- comprehensive range of occupational health management services
- free use of public transport throughout Hesse, including during leisure time (Hessen TV state ticket)
- E-charging stations for private cars that can currently be used free of charge at our offices
- Continuing education and training opportunities
- career opportunities
- Participation by Staff Council, etc.
The position has a grade A 10 or a comparable pay group from TV-Hessen.
Employees who have not yet reached this grade or grade may only be summoned or promoted after budgetary, tariff and civil service requirements have been met.
In principle, employment at the Landesbetrieb HessenForst is carried out exclusively for people with completed career examination of the upper or higher Forest Service in the civil service relationship.
All other people are employed under a collective employment relationship (TV-H). It is generally possible to transfer applicants from other offices who are already in a civil service relationship with the state of Hesse.
All persons with appropriate qualifications are eligible to apply.
We would like to increase the proportion of women in this professional field. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome.
This full-time position is also suitable for part time.
Severely disabled people are given preferential treatment if they are equally qualified.
I would ask all eligible employees, including those on leave of absence, to announce this call for proposals immediately through the department.
To carry out the selection process, a recent assessment or a current job reference required, which must not be older than one year. If you would like to apply and you do not have a recent review/work reference, you should ask for one as soon as possible. This (s) must be available at the latest when you take part in the job interviews.
We welcome your application regardless of cultural and social origin, gender identity and sexual orientation, disability, worldview and religion.
Good knowledge of the German language is required (minimum requirement: Level B 2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER)).
Applications and the completed form Application leaflet (can be found at: LINK) please until
19.05.2024 submit.
By email: functional mailbox Bewerbung@forst.hessen.de
by mail:
Landesbetriebsleitung Kassel
Panoramaweg 1
Division I.3 “Personnel”
34131 Kassel
It is not necessary to submit original or certified documents at first. Application documents will not be returned.
If you have any technical questions, please contact Mr. Fischer 0641/4991-303 and if you have any questions about the application and selection process, Ms. Manns (0561/3167-128).

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IT operator Mobile GIS/Operational GIS
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